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📯| Recap of the UN of 05/22/22 - #1

Publicado por LoupBlanc el 22 mayo 2022 a las 17:24, modificado el 23 mayo 2022 a las 14:42
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Registrado desde :
21 agosto 2020

Mensajes publicados : 264


> Summary & Introduction <

👋 Hello dear people of Deruta,

📢 Today I present you the first UN recap! The UN is a meeting between the staff and the players to discuss various topics.

📖 >Reminders< - To start we have the reminders which as its name indicates is the reminder of different things on the server such as rules or events.

🎊 >Novelties< - Then we have the novelties which is the presentation of different novelties on the Delta or in the inter-server.

🧨 >Autonuke & Antimatter< - After that, we deal with the requests for an autonuke (The fact of exploding his country which is only legal following a request to the UNO), and the launching of antimatter (To ask for the launching of an antimatter missile).

🎭 >Changes in the Staff< - We present after that the different changes at the level of the Staff and the other teams of the Delta in the Changes in the Staff section.

🔉 >Questions & Publicities< - Finally, we finish with the Questions & Publicities part where you can ask your questions directly to the Staff and make your publicity for a company or your country for example.

Have a nice reading! 😄

Reminders <

This week we have some reminders to share with you, here they are;

📕Do not speak French in the chat! Even if you speak french in your life, here is an English server so you must speak English otherwise you will be punished.

🎉Recruitments for the rank of Moderator, Guide, and Builder are open, don't hesitate to apply if you think you have what it takes if you are motivated to join a great team. 

🎨If you have a name like Player1345 please do /login and register it only takes a few minutes and brings you many advantages! 

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦For the new ones, NationsGlory does not allow you to have more than 4 accounts per Ip simply for a little more fair play with the others...

⚔️Not to forget the forum, war requests and complaints are on the forum. If you want to start a war against a country you must put your request on the forum Here and IG with the /f enemy, if you make requests for wars in-game but not on the forums it will be immediately refused.

🍹If you won't be able to connect for a few days because of school and/or vacation don't worry! A system of absences for people who are not there for more than two weeks is present for some time on the forum here. This can help you avoid a disband for the reason: Leader and officer, AFK for more than 2 weeks.

Novelties <

🏅 Great news! The first ratings and the first disband of the server have just taken place when I write this recap. Be careful and avoid the disband of your country by having more than 6 members and by staying active if you are an officer or a leader.

💵 This week, an important way to make money has been improved. Indeed, a new voting system is now available on the website. Although the rewards have been reduced you can vote on 5 different sites! To take advantage of this new feature click here.

😉 Several gift cards are to be won! Indeed, the efforts of some players who help and guide new players will be rewarded. You can for example tell them to /login, show them the wiki, teach them gameplay, invite them to the discord, etc...

Autonuke & Antimatter <

💥Unfortunately, no request for autonuke has been made to the UN council this week 

> Changes in the Staff <

💚 Congratulations to @MR_ALIEN who became a Moderator Test

💜 No new Guide this week😢. You can Apply Here.

Questions & Publicities <

⚜️Quebec is actively recruiting do not hesitate to contact Tricharbo#2607 on Discord.

🛎️ Imperialist German regime is recruiting contact SplycX#3525 on Discord.

🪖 YaNAO country is looking for wars.

The UN was presented by @LoupBlanc @XxWarOfKidxX & @Sarkness666

Written by @LoupBlanc & @XxWarOfKidxX

Thank you for your reading!


Mon parcours :

Guide Sigma 01/11/20 au 15/11/20 | 14 jours
Moderatrice-Test Sigma 15/11/20 au 22/11/20 | 7 jours
Moderatrice Sigma 22/11/20 au 04/01/21 | 43 jours
Moderatrice+ Sigma 04/01/21 au 16/01/21 | 12 jours
Super Modératrice Sigma 16/01/21 au 03/01/22 | 353 jours
Super Moderatrice Alpha 03/01/22 au 06/02/22 | 34 jours
Administratrice Alpha 06/02/22 au 05/03/22 | 86 jours
Super Moderatrice Omega 21/06/22 au 12/01/23 | 205 jours
Delta Administrator 03/06/22 to 06/21/22 | 107 days
Ruby Super Moderator  01/12/23 to 09/09/23 | 240 days

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