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Lawsuit #19 - PEKKA_ - Idephix

Publicado por Idephix el 10 junio 2022 a las 20:41, modificado el 11 junio 2022 a las 01:10 por nikolas543
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Ψ Ex jugador Ψ

Registrado desde :
13 agosto 2020

Mensajes publicados : 161

-Criminal: PEKKA_ and NorusBlk from Afghanistan mceclip0-1f0eaf14c2.png
-Victim: Idephix from Macedonia

-Crime: Using of Blunder in warzone


I know that guns (M249, M60...) are prohibited in warzone (we can't use them), but the fact is: are blunder authorized they in warzone? It's shooting some bullets, need to reaload and shoot, like the musket or whatever...

So, I was killed by PEKKA_ and NorusBlk in warzone, boat.

Here's the proof:mceclip2-ccac7f5ac9.pngmceclip3-e9476c2b7f.png

Witness: @TurtleChan can testify that I'm died and what's my stuff were. He also can testify that PEKKA_ and NorusBlk were in warzone with blunder. He was in fight with me.

So, can we clarify if blunder is allowed in warzone or no? When I asked the question on moderator, they told me guns are not, but, in fact, blunder is a gun?

Thank you,


EDIT: There's a USERVOICE on the Discord where a majority vote for disable the gun, but keep the blunder: 



Miembro del equipo
Modérateur Ruby
Ψ Ex jugador Ψ

Registrado desde :
17 abril 2021

Mensajes publicados : 78

Publicado en 11 junio 2022 a las 00:16, modificado el 11 junio 2022 a las 00:32


This lawsuit is refused for the following reason:

  • the blunderbuss is allowed in the warzone (as said by TheKing4012)


The Ruby Staff.

ModérateurT Black - 05/02/2022 -> 13/02/2022

Modérateur Black - 13/02/2022 -> 13/05/2022

Modérateur Ruby - 13/05/2022 -> 19/06/2022

Modérateur+ Ruby - 19/06/2022 -> 06/09/2022

SuperModérateur Ruby - 06/09/2022 -> 05/04/2023

Ce message de iTz_Fr3sh a été supprimé par el 01 enero 1970 a las 01:00 et il n'est plus visible.


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